Leach Pad Construction

Titangeomining manages leach pad construction and liner procurement and installation. Our team provides site development, site grading, processes and crushes aggregate, material placement, and installs underliner and overliner in preparation for our client to process and place ore on the leach pad.

We assess and optimize earthwork and lining requirements based on the topographical and geotechnical characteristics of each site, the engineering characteristics of its ore, and the environmental objectives of the project from conceptual to final design.


Our consultants specialize in developing and implementing efficient, site-specific designs tailored to client requirements and locally-available leach pad construction materials. We also develop innovative closure designs focused on reducing or eliminating post-closure effluent flows and minimizing water management risks and costs.

We have worked on precious and base metal projects in a range of climatic and environmental conditions and are experienced in meeting stringent regulatory, corporate, engineering, and stakeholder criteria.