Titangeomining provides customized solutions to fit your site needs and complete next level stages of tailings facility construction. Our team of experienced miners ensures embankments are built with the right material and compacted properly. Whether you need sorting and processing of embankment fill; processing, loading, hauling, placement of embankment fill; liner installation, or MSE wall construction — we leverage extensive knowledge in tailings construction to deliver quality service.
In mining activities, tailings are the part of the ore that, after the beneficiation process, contains a low percentage of valuable elements and cannot be used for production. Tailings are considered industrial solid waste. To protect the environment and control risks, we need to construct appropriate tailings storage facilities (TSFs) to manage the tailings. We prioritize the safety of tailings facilities, assume our due responsibilities, and strive to implement optimal management strategies and good practices throughout the lifecycle of tailings facilities. We adopt a sustainable development approach to maximize environmental protection and human rights protection, including the comprehensive utilization of tailings and environmental restoration and governance after the closure of the facilities.

We take responsibility for the entire life cycle of tailings storage facilities, including closure and post-closure, and make safety in the tailings storage facilities a top priority. We take social, environmental, local requirements and technical factors into comprehensive consideration.
we have formulated the Whole Life Management Process Standard for Tailings Storage Facilities and the Safety Management Specification for Tailings Storage Facilities with life cycle management of tailings facilities covering design, construction, operation, closure and post-closure.