Project Description
Titangeomining is contracted to complete next level stages of the tailings storage facility embankment raise at a major mining facility in the northwest. Scope of work includes Mine Infrastructure Relocation (Roadways, Pipelines, Collection Ponds); Topsoil and Subsoil Stripping and Relocation; Sorting and Processing of Embankment Fill; Processing, Loading, Hauling, Placement of Embankment Fill; Processing and Crushing Aggregates; MSE Wall Construction; and Final TSF Reclamation. Titangeomining will also install 92,500 SY of geotextile and 116,500 SY of 60, 80, and 100 mil liner.
Nevada Centerline Raise project is a brownfield expansion of the tailings facility and tailings systems. The project involves the construction of lined tailings dams, reclaim ponds, access roads, tailings pumping systems, tailings discharge and water reclaim systems for the purpose of increasing the overall capacity of the tailings storage facility.
Scoope Of Work
Project Management, Construction Management, Cost Control, Scheduling, Constructability, and CM Team Training.